24 May

Although firewalls are essential security features, they have their limitations, which vary according to the type of solution and the architecture used. They can offer the desired security, but compromise the performance of the network (or even a computer). This situation can generate more expenses for an expansion of infrastructure capable of overcoming the problem.
The policy check has to be periodically reviewed in order not to hinder the functioning of new services. A firewall may not be able to prevent malicious activity that originates and is intended for the internal network, as well as it may not be sufficient to identify malicious activity that happens due to the user's carelessness, such as accessing a fake bank website when clicking on a link to an email message, for example.
Firewalls need to be watched. Malware or experienced hackers can try to discover or exploit security holes in such solutions. A firewall cannot intercept a connection that does not pass through it. If, for example, a user accesses the internet on his computer from a 3G connection , just to circumvent network restrictions, there may be a failure to protect the firewall.
As it is not able to fully protect a network or a computer, a set of other security features must integrate protection in companies, such as antivirus, intrusion detection systems, VPN ( Virtual Private Network ), among other mechanisms depending on the vulnerability and confidentiality of the environment.

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This set of combined features works to maximize data security and control access to computers, devices and networks in the same way that walls, gates, alarms, electric fences, surveillance cameras together reinforce protection against the intrusion of intruders or unwanted people. . The lack of one or the other of the item set reduces the effectiveness of the others.

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